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Prufrock Pizzeria


It starts off slow — a rolling purr that resonates beneath layers of clothing and flesh. Give it a moment; pressure builds, gas shifts, and a pang bursts into a thunderous episode of tremor littered with terror. This is not an exorcism, it’s a cry for salvation – this is your body telling you to eat and this is a job for Prufrock Pizzeria.

When it comes to ravaged hunger or blood alcohol levels teetering on paralysis, there are few things that can suppress and satisfy; wood fired Neapolitan style pizza is one of them. At Prufrock, they gather elements of perfection: house-made dough, pure tomato sauce, and gourmet toppings such as pancetta or Gruyere to be popped into a 900-degree oven for 3-4 minutes. Super hot, super fast; it’s hot enough to char and quick enough to leave the pie soft and tender in the middle. Depending on appetite, each pizza is personal sized, and with ingredients so fresh, it’s easy to gobble down 4 slices without any regret. For brief occasional moments of masticational panic, beer and wine are readily available to wash down any bite too big to handle. Prufrock is known to induce enthusiastic eating. Thanks to Mitchell Frank, founder of The Echo empire and The Regent, Tobi Martin-Frank, and Chef Justin Limburg, all of this glory can be ordered in over 17 different ways with pizzas Bianca and Piccolo leading the way.


“We keep it simple; just fresh dough, tomatoes, and salt. All the flavor comes from the toppings,” says Chef Justin, “I was taught, if you take your fork and eat everything off the plate with it, then you can turn it into a pizza.” With that uninhibited mentality, Prufrock’s menu boasts toppings like flat iron steak, meatball, poached egg, or butternut squash. “Pizza is anything you want it to be, sometimes I dream about pizza.”


Kin to The Regent and Lovesong Bar, Prufrock acts like the concerned older sister looking out for the well being of others – because here, pizza is made accessible to anyone looking for a triangular vessel of love on Main Street. Whether you’re sitting at the bar in Lovesong, standing shoulder to shoulder at The Regent, or nursing yourself back from sweating to 200 bpm at Bootie LA; a call for a crusty, cheesy pie will be readily available for your hungry little hands.


Prufrock prides itself on being a true neighborhood pizzeria, “After you’re done here, you’re gonna know everyone. It’s like Cheers.” says Chef Justin. We can agree, there is a certain charm found in and around Prufrock – it’s good people serving good people and harvesting a vibe that cannot be formulated. Everybody wants their own ‘Cheers,’ thankfully we’re sharing ours.


Prufrock Pizzeria

Written by:
Janica de Guzman
Photographed by:
Oriana Koren